Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How do/can you check how fast your pc is running like the RAM (mb) not the speed of the internet con

i have pentium 4, 2.8 GHZ HT, 512 MB ram, xp home sp2, 120gb hard drive with 90GB of free harddrive space. I have norton 06, with the most recent antivirus defs, i have spam and spyware software, and my pc seems to be running slow...

any suggestions...?

How do/can you check how fast your pc is running like the RAM (mb) not the speed of the internet connection?virus scanner

clear your cookies, internet files, history, and downloaded files...

Do a disk clean and a defrag, look for progs that load at start which you do not use...

speed test link below


Oh and 512 is not much memory these days you need to at minimum double that...

Okay, I read your question wrong missed the not internet speed part, disregard the link. BUT the NOOBE DWEEB below with one question under his belt, and probably as much relevant computer experience is not only wrong, BUT he is an ID 10 T ...

512 is crap for memory it is about the starting point I personally will not use a system with less than 2 GIGS that is the equivilent of 4 times what you have...

How do/can you check how fast your pc is running like the RAM (mb) not the speed of the internet connection?anti virus software

Wow what a flame thred there Jaustin. You attack the guy for being right? I think 512 RAM is small I have 1024 RAM (which is double 512) my system has been great since I added memory. I spent a lot of time looking for problems and simply adding more RAM immediately fixed the problem...
you can go to freewarefiles.com and down load pc wizard 2006

that will tell you everything about your pc.

click on CPU to sort it in order and see if any task is specifically hogging the CPU.

Clicking on PERFORMANCE, any healthy system should hover around 0-5% CPU USAGE given your specs if you don't run too many services or applications.

512MB is well above requirements. The previous person is wrong to suggest you need double. Given your specs your system should run with no problems.

BTW the link he gave you was for Internet bandwidth which makes no difference on how slow your system may be running.

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