Monday, October 19, 2009

How do I rid my computer of the Trojan horse virus Generic4.BO? And how do I recover from the damage

My antivirus program AVG free edition reports threath of trojan horse Generic4.BO but the program cannot heal or remove the file. Additionally, my CD drives (two installed) are now useless and My Compurer, after a few clicks, stops responding. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the two drives to no avail. And no can any previous restore points be installed. Any help would be appreciated

How do I rid my computer of the Trojan horse virus Generic4.BO? And how do I recover from the damage incurred?live update

System Restore is useless here. It will only restore the virus, along with your settings for that restore point. Unfortunately, the best course of action here is to reformat your system. Hopefully, you have a backup. If not, you can make one, but be warned that you MAY backup the virus itself. DON'T USE THE SYSTEM BACKUP. Do it manually, and burn your files to CD (Pick the files then right click%26gt;send to CD). Otherwise, you will DEFINITELY back the virus up, and you'll just end up reloading it onto your newly formatted system. Use a program like KillDisk (free) to scrub the hard drive, as the virus is most likey living in sector 0 (boot sector), and the standard Windows reformat typically will not rewrite that sector. After using KillDisk, boot to the Windows CD and reformat again using the NTFS file system, then reinstall Windows. Good as new! After all that is complete, restore your files from your backup CDs. Hopefully, the virus was not embedded in anything within your docs or anything else, and you are fine. If, after restoring your files, the virus rears it's ugly head again, it's somewhere within your backup! Consider the data lost, trash the CDs, and perform all the steps listed above again, MINUS reloading the backup, of course. Good luck!

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